IMO signed a partnership agreement with UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (ESCAP).
IMO signed a partnership agreement with UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (ESCAP) last week. The agreement promotes a sustainable maritime transport in the Asia pacific region.
The purpose
The agreement aim to help promote sustainable maritime transport by conducting a range of capacity building and knowledge partnership activities in the region.
It will also bring together United Nations maritime agency and ESCAP. The UN maritime agency sets global standards for secure, safe, efficient and environmentally friendly international shipping. While ESCAP provides a regional intergovernmental platform and think-tank, generate action-oriented knowledge, and by providing technical assistance and capacity-building services to nations in the region, regional agreements and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific Region.
“This strategic partnership, combining IMO’s global mandate and outreach and ESCAP‘s experience and expertise in supporting its regional partners, is expected to contribute a great deal to sustainable maritime transport and the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals,” said Secretary-General Lim.
The agreement MoU was last week signed between IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and ESCAP Executive Secretary Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana during the IMO/ ESCAP Thematic Solution Forum (TSF) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Included in the Agreement
Both parties will together to achieve the following initiatives;
- Maritime knowledge sharing
- Intergovernmental cooperation in the region
- Capacity building in the Asia Pacific region
- Joint resource mobilization
- Strengthening programs by UN
In addition, both parties will be providing the following activates in the region;
- Marine environment protection and climate change
- Maritime transport facilitation in support of global and regional trade flows
- Maritime safety.
IMO and ESCAP will actively work towards the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development and the associated SDGs. Both parties intend to initiate various programs related to Triangular Cooperation for sustainable maritime transport and a green recovery through partnerships, technical cooperation assistance and long-term projects.