Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore has revised its Pre-Arrival Notification (ePAN) and Notification of Arrival requirement and published details in the Port Marine Circular No. 26 of 2021 on 28th June 2021.
The PAN and NOA, from 09th July 2021, require the master of every ship, craft or unit calling at the Port of Singapore, to declare that he or she knows of, and understands the requirements of the Singapore authorities for the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, the safe management requirements stated in the relevant Port Marine Circulars issued by the Port Master and/or the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. The master must also declare that he or she has clearly told the crew of his/her ship, craft, or unit of the requirements of the Singapore authorities and will ensure that he/she and his/her crew comply with the requirements.
Pursuant to Section 44(1), (2) of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore Act (Cap. 170A), and Regulations 3 and 63A of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (Port) Regulations, the Port Master hereby directs owners, masters or agents of vessels to furnish the required information using the revised PAN or NOA.
The types of vessels to which the revised PAN (Pre-Arrival Notification) applies
- Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft;
- Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 GT and above; and
- Mobile offshore units, including mobile offshore drilling units.
The vessels to which the revised NOA applies
A vessel of less than 500 GT shall notify the Port Master at least 12 hours prior to the arrival of the vessel in Singapore.
A vessel returning from a location in the Singapore Strait may be transmitted via VHF radio immediately on the departure of the vessel from the location. The NOA shall be transmitted on VHF Channel 10 for a vessel in the VTIS East sector, on VHF Channel 14 for a vessel in the VTIS Central sector, and VHF Channel 73 for a vessel in the VTIS West sector of the Singapore Strait.
A NOA need not be reported if a PAN has already been submitted for that vessel.
Points 4.6 and 4.8 have been added to the revised Pre-Arrival Notification ePAN form. All the other details remain the same as before.
4.6 * Will the vessel be operating any unmanned aircraft (e.g. radio-controlled aircraft, drones, remote-controlled kites, etc) while in port (refer to Port Marine Circular 22 of 2021 “Flying of Unmanned Aircraft Over Singapore Port Waters”)? Y/N
4.8 * I, the master of the ship, craft, or unit named in this PAN, declare that I know of and understand the requirements of the Singapore authorities for the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, the safe management requirements or measures stated in the relevant Port Marine Circulars issued by the Port Master or the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. I further declare that I have clearly informed the crew of my ship, craft or unit, of the requirements of the Singapore authorities, and will ensure that the crew complies with all the requirements.
Declaration made by
* Name:
* Designation
* Time
* Date
Instructions on how to convert revised PAN form.